Impact Ministries

Impact Ministries

IMPACT Ministries of Myrtle Beach is a 501 C-3 organization that focuses on bringing volunteer teams to the Grand Strand area to serve. Our work here has its roots going back to the late 1950’s serving in the campgrounds and throughout our community. We became...
Ezekiel Ministries

Ezekiel Ministries

Today’s culture is brutal on families. Children are lured into self-destructive behaviors when they don’t receive enough quality-time with loving adults. Ezekiel Ministries helps children by recruiting Christian mentors who will make a long-term investment in their...
The Namayana Project

The Namayana Project

Welcome to The Namayana Project! Namayana means “blessing” in Swahili. The Namayana Project is the vision of three friends, one in America and two in Tanzania, to create schools in Tanzania. It is our vision and hope to be a blessing to children in...
His Love Ministries

His Love Ministries

His Love Ministries is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit Christian ministry, based on Matthew 25:35-40. The Key Verse is 40, “And the King will answer and say to them, `Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.”...
Ministry Partner Clebe McClary

Ministry Partner Clebe McClary

First Lieutenant Patrick Cleburne McClary, III, USMC, Retired, known to thousands as “Clebe McClary,” is an American hero. During the Vietnam War, while some of his contemporaries were staging anti-war protests and desecrating the American flag, the Lowcountry native...