School Ministries is a multi-denominational Christian ministry based in Columbia, SC that helps Christians start, sustain, and grow Released Time Bible Education (RTBE) programs in public schools. RTBE is the only legal means to teach the Bible both academically and devotionally in the time between the first and last bell.
School Ministries equips, educates, and encourages member organizations with resources, events, and consultation. They are committed to helping parents understand the benefits… churches, the opportunities… and schools, the legalities of RTBE.
God has used School Ministries to reach 40,000 new students each year since the 2015-16 school year with an average of 25% of the students making first-time decisions for Jesus Christ.
Over the past 10 years, School Ministries has witnessed an increase in operations from two states to 11 states, including four full-time state offices. They have also consulted with officials in several states regarding RTBE. So far, six states have passed laws to allow academic credit for RTBE.
According to Adele Little, School Ministries Director of Development, ERP “serves as a great example to all ministries of where priorities should be.” Click the video link above to hear more about how Emmaus Road Partners has had a positive impact on the work of School Ministries.
Be sure to visit for much more information.