Made+New is a platform created to magnify God’s power through casual conversations, podcast interviews and videos.
The vision of Made+New is true to its name — it’s a new way of delivering the good news to a generation that is burnt out on “church” as we know it. Made+New is a platform designed to present God in a new way — with more conversation than preaching and more love than judgement.
My heart for Made+New is that people would fall in love with Jesus — whether it’s for the first time ever, or the first time in awhile. I believe our generation is one that is ready to participate in Gods Kingdom and we have to show them what that looks like in the context of the Bible. We have all the answers we need. Sometimes all it takes is a second look, a fresh perspective.

How has Emmaus Road Helped us?
ERP came along side me and Made+New before I even fully understood what God was calling me to build. When I met Alan Welch and David Welch, I was a charismatic guy with big dreams, but no real focus and no clue how to turn my ideas into a living, breathing ministry.
David has met with me once a month for the past year to help me develop my ideas into a structured plan. In addition to one-on-one coaching, ERP also paid for me to learn from Donald Miller and his “Business Made Simple” course, which was instrumental in clarifying my mission and the core characteristics of Made+New.
David has stuck with me when it would have been much easier to walk away. I’m so glad he didn’t. His loyalty and friendship have meant more to me than I could ever explain, and it’s served as the building block for what will become my life’s work. It hasn’t been an easy or linear process, but David has always rolled with the punches and helped me to pivot when God redirects my path. I could go on and on, but the relationship and resources I’ve had access to through ERP have been invaluable, and I will be forever grateful for Alan and David and their obedience to help build the Kingdom.
I spent the day listening to every podcast. In every single episode I was able to find peace and relate the message to something in my life. It was the first time in four days my anxiety settled and I felt calmness, love and security. I want to be made new. I need this lasting relationship with Jesus. I cannot thank you both enough for starting this journey and being so kind.
Watch the video above to hear Hutch’s personal testimony of how God helped him find his identity and purpose in a relationship with Jesus rather than through football or drugs.