First Lieutenant Patrick Cleburne McClary, III, USMC, Retired, known to thousands as “Clebe McClary,” is an American hero.
During the Vietnam War, while some of his contemporaries were staging anti-war protests and desecrating the American flag, the Lowcountry native was serving as a platoon leader in the First Reconnaissance Battalion. On the battalion’s 19th patrol, the unit was attacked by the Viet Cong. Lieutenant McClary was seriously wounded, losing his left arm and left eye, yet he continued to lead his men.
The numerous surgeries and long recovery period that followed could have taken a bitter toll, but he faced his rehabilitation with characteristic determination. In the years since, Lieutenant McClary has become a symbol of courage and hope to the many audiences around the world with whom he has shared his story.
Clebe McClary Evangelistic Association was founded in 1976 with the mission from Mark 16:15: “And he said to them, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”
Clebe and Deanna share their testimony of what it was like to experience the forgiveness of Jesus Christ when they accepted Him July 26, 1969. We are thankful the Lord Jesus continues to open doors for ministry to share His salvation message around the world.

From being a hunting and fishing guide on the peaceful fields of a South Carolina plantation to the battle grounds of South Vietnam, Clebe McClary’s story will inspire and encourage you to live an emboldened life for Christ.

Patriots at the Beach is our military outreach that provides the opportunity for supporting our active duty troops. The military community is always near and dear to our hearts. It is a privilege to serve our heroes.
Our weekend retreat is offered to special forces who have been deployed within 6 months or are preparing for deployment. This event is provided at no cost with hotel room, activities, and snacks/meals provided.

Our “Love in a Box” program sends boxes filled with gifts from the home-front. We connect with a military liaison to learn what items are needed; then our team of volunteers lovingly provides for these needs. In addition to the requested items, boxes of Bibles, devotionals and ministry publications are lovingly shared across the globe!