IMPACT Ministries of Myrtle Beach is a 501 C-3 organization that focuses on bringing volunteer teams to the Grand Strand area to serve. Our work here has its roots going back to the late 1950’s serving in the campgrounds and throughout our community. We became involved with our Horry County disaster management team in 2005. In 2010, we became IMPACT Ministries of Myrtle Beach, a nonprofit operating independently from any organization or denomination, but under the direction of our board members. Our board is made up of area pastors and lay leaders from churches throughout our community.
Todd Wood, Executive Director of IMPACT Ministries, shares, “David Welch and I began to meet about one year ago. He has been a huge help as we met to talk about time management and how to prioritize items in my daily task lists. He has challenged me in making sure I take care of myself both physically and spiritually, as well as time with my wife. He has encouraged me to find ways to cut out a second job at Chick-fil-a and find additional support to fill this gap. God provided that church and I have been able to step aways for 3 days a week working there to now just as needed.
Having an Emmaus Road Partner like David investing in me personally, has brought accountability to my life. It not only protects the longevity of the ministry entrusted to me, but my family life and time devoted to my wife.”
MPACT Ministries has rescued my family. They mudded out my home in each of the last 3 hurricanes and now have now helped to elevate our home, never to flood again. I do not know how we or the other 800 families affected in Horry County would have made it without IMPACT Ministries and their volunteers.
IMPACT Ministries has a desire to build a facility in Horry County where they can host the 1,000’s of volunteers that come each year to help rebuild in times of disaster. Myrtle Beach has experienced four hurricanes and flooding in the last 5 years alone. Area churches are exhausted of hosting the teams as it displaces their ongoing programs. The major concern is that most of churches do not have fire sprinklers in the buildings and windows are often painted shut. Todd Wood says, “We are only one disaster away from a fire or other tragedy and hurting our valuable volunteers. We must take action now and get this facility built and be proactive before the next storm.”